warbler's personality

Warbler gets incredibly excited most of the time! He has a very excitable personality, possibly because of his ADHD lol but he also just is like that! He's often moving around or twitching his ears or flicking his tail any time he gets the chance and is often told to stop being "weird." Warbler tries to hide his hyperactivity but is not typically very good at it, even when told to chill. He gets excited when he is learning new things, spending time with his friends, or doing lots of other things!
Warbler gets tired very easily. He has a chronic illness called chronic exhaustion, which means just doing small tasks exhausts him immensely. When his friends are not patient with him, he gets really annoyed and often choose not to continue being friends with that cat. Warbler often powers through his exhaustion and doesn't tell anyone about it, preferring to keep his issues to himself and not burden anyone. He went to the healer once for help, but obviously, it couldn't be helped as it is not a condition that can be fixed.

Warbler likes making friends with eveyone he meets, even if they are mean to him. He prefers not to make enemies, thinking they inconvience everyone and just make everything harder for everyone. He will make friends with anyone possible, even if they're from a different clan. Gatherings are some of his favorite places because they let him talk to other cats from other clans with no repurcussions!
Warblerpaw is a very sweet cat! He cares deeply for everyone and everything, even the other clans and other cats in the other clans. He is very compassionate to everyone, being very kind. He helps when he can, one time being when he translated for Drizzlecloud at the meeting because she couldn't hear very well. When he was a kit, he was a lot ruder to his siblings, and hated himself for it. He swore to always be nice to everyone he met to make up for it, blaming his siblings' and his father's disappearance on himself and his actions. He thinks that him being rude to them caused them to leave him.

  • warbler- :     this was actually just because everyone in this apprentice group named their cats after birds but i thought warbler was a pretty sick name because he yaps a lot lmao

  • -paw :     paw is just the clan-given suffix sorry i don't have anything cool to say about this. i never have anything cool to say isnt that sad /j


•   name   :   warblerpaw
•   alias   :   warbs, warby, warble
•   gender   :   he / she [ closeted ]
•   orientation   :   bisexual
•   species   :   cat
•   occupation   :   apprentice
•   voice claim(s)   : rui kamishiro ( child )
•   eyes   :   green
•   fur   :    brown, white, and cream
•   height   :   small lol
•   weight   :   very light
•   build   :   skinny
•   alignment   :   chaotic good ( lawful )
•   traits   :   excitable, kind, happy, sweet, tired, exhausted, emotional
•   likes   :   flowers, learning, berries, sunflare, dressing up, being happy, his friends, making friends, making flower crowns, helping his clan, training, being helpful, drizzlecloud
•   dislikes   :   making enemies, cats that are mean to him and others, cats that aren't patient with him when he gets tired

•   season   :   he likes spring best because of all the birds and the pretty flowers!
•   food   :   his favorite food is anything sweet. he especially likes berries (but not deathberries lmao)
•   word   :   he doesn't have a favorite word, but he does quite enjoy the word snuggle + cuddle
•   sound   :   the sound of rain softly falling on leaves and trees around camp
•   color   :   the color of rivers and larger bodies of water! he would never be a riverclan cat, though. he decided that when his clan attacked riverclan.
•   scent   :   he smells a little bit woodsy and a little bit like the river.
•   scars   :    warblerpaw currently has no scars! he is a bit too young for that
•   disorders   :   adhd, chronic exhaustion, and possible autism
•   greatest dream   :    he wants to be the medicine cat or medicine cat apprentice
•   purrks   :   herbal knowledge
•   planned purrks   : the collector, mind reader

•   birthplace   :  thunderclan
•   current residence   :   thunderclan
•   nuclear family   :   father ( mountaintalon ) , siblings ( kestrelpaw, shrikepaw, wrenpaw, swanpaw )
•   extended family   :   thinks of sunflare as father
•   mentor   :   sunflare lol
+ POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : sweet, kind, caring, helpful, attentive, always happy to help and do work around the clan, easily learns things, honest - NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : constantly down on himself, gets exhausted easily, hides his annoyance, a little scatterbrained, paranoid

my limits

_*** NOTE: my comfortability with roleplaying each type of healing roleplay is rated on a scale of 1-10 below, with 1 being absolutely not, 5 being neutral, and 10 being totally comfortable with it.      small/basic wounds
- any kind [ 10/10 - i would be 100% comfortable roleplaying these ]
     moderate/mild wounds
- no gore described [ 10/10 - i would be 100% comfortable roleplaying these ]
- moderate descriptions of gore [ 10/10 - i would be 100% comfortable roleplaying these ]
- clearly described gore or greatly detailed description of gore [ 9.5/10 - i would be 100% comfortable roleplaying these but would prefer them spoilered for the sake of other readers! ]

     severe wounds
- no gore described [ 10/10 - i would be totally comfortable roleplaying these ]
- moderate descriptions of gore [ 10/10 - i would be totally comfortable roleplaying these ]
- detailed description of gore [ 9/10 - i would be 90% comfortable roleplaying these but would prefer them spoilered for the sake of other readers! ]
     death posts w/ med involvement
- no gore or angst described [ 10/10 - i would be totally comfortable roleplaying these ]
- moderate descriptions of gore + angst [ 10/10 - i would be totally comfortable roleplaying these ]
- strong descriptions of gore + angst [ 8/10 - i would pretty comfortable roleplaying these but i do struggle with cat death because of past experiences with pets ]

kitting posts
- no description of birth [ 10/10 - i would be comfortable roleplaying these ]
- mild detail of the birthing process [ 9/10 - i would be comfortable roleplaying these ]
- moderate detail of the birthing process [ 8/10 - i would be comfortable roleplaying these but would prefer them spoilered for the sake of other readers. ]
- detailed description of the birthing process
[ 7/10 - i would be kind of uncomfortable roleplaying these but would still do it if needed. ]

a word from warbler + finley

hi hi! i'm warblerpaw!! i use he/him and they/them pronouns, and i'm a thunderclan apprentice!! warblerpaw shuffles his paws, looking up at you with a big grin on his face. some of my favorite things are helping, picking flowers, and also going outside of camp and training and stuff like that! i'm friends with a lot of people and i, uh.. i used to have lots of siblings. now i only have one and my dad. my other three siblings went missing a little while ago, 'nd my dad went looking for them. warblerpaw swallows, but then smiles back up at you again.

finley sits down across from you and crosses their legs, fiddling with their nails. hey!! i'm finley, and i'm a pretty experienced wco roleplayer. i've been in this hellhole site for a while, since october 2023, which means my 1 year anniversary is coming up pretty soon. i have experience in the medicine apprentice role, when cobwebpaw had been the stand-in healer for riverclan for about a month my time and a few moons wco time. i'm typically very active, my post count per day being 3. i try to get at least three posts in per week! finley grins at you and exits.

warblerpaw raises his tail and flicks it back and forth, waving at you. ah, back again! you want me to talk about medicine cats? what i think about them? okay! so, i really like drizzlecloud, she's very nice! i didn't really know springlight. but.. well, i don't know any herbs, yet, but i seriously could learn! i'm told i'm pretty good at learning! i, being pretty honest, i am not always the most nice in the whole world. sometimes i get mad. but the medicine cats are like.. they care. they seriously care and the reason i look up to them so much is because of that. warblerpaw shrugs.

why should warb be mca?

COMMUNICATION warblerpaw is very vocal. like bro cannot stop yapping even if he tried so if there was something he was nervous about or needed help with he'd be straight to bumble, spider, or the medicine cat. he does often do his best to keep his issues to himself if needed, though.TRUST you can absolutely trust warbler. if you told him a secret he would keep it to the goddamn grave and beyond unless you sucked and he didn't like you. he has also never been punished, warned, or acted out. i as a user have also never been warned on anything serious, just one or two swearing accidents sdhgdskjFINLEY'S STUFF my discord is @eeper.theguy and my wco account is @finley !!

ACTIVITY i am very active as a user, as seen above. warbler has not been as active recently but i am bringing his activity up as he is a great character i enjoy roleplaying!!AUTHORITATIVENESS while warbler isn't always the most authoritative now, he knows he should be more brave and bold. he is growing into himself and his personality and eventually will be able to step up when he needs to.@redshiftreign. "hihi, red here. i've gotta say, finley is one of the most reliable and resilient people i know, and those are two things that a hr needs; the ability to bounce back from the toughest situations, and the dedication to keep at it with a consistent stream of energy and effort. both of these are qualities that fin has proven to exude time and time again!"

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